spanish / english
I believe in the stories that are expressed heart holding. Drawn stories, photographed, developed, written or danced and shared.
I believe on an infinite beauty that sprouts from sensibility, simplicity, from emotion.
Without limiting meanings, I express myself through the disciplines that organically, and through the emotions, manifest themselves in the form of necessity. As a way of life, being a habit of my routine; Images, paper, reels, brushes, water, pigment, ink, eyes, my hands, my whole body, all this is a mechanism that is expressed not only by sharing but by an internal urgency to create.
My roots have brought me here, seeking, among thousands, the stars of the abandoned skies from far away woods with my grandmother, my polar star.
I have often lost sight of that guide that I find when I look deep to my soul through my memory. I surround myself with the wood with which I have grown, the canvas I saw painted with my grandma's hands. All this, rises from a place where, as a lighthouse, I want to let myself be guided by. I feel that my source resides in the memory of the roots, old trees that twist to the most distant, wild and starry skies.
“In the end, I’m not interested in that which I fully understand. The words I have written over the years are just a veneer. There are truths that lie beneath the surface of the words. Truths that rise up without warning like the humps of a sea monster, and then disappear. What performance and song is to me, is finding a way to tempt the monster to the surface. To create a space where the creature can break through what is real, and what is known to us. This shimmering space - where imagination and reality intersect - this is where all love, and tears, and joy exist. This is the place. This is where we live.” - Nick Cave
This is my space, where I continue to grow and empty my sensations, traveling beyond the humps of the ideas.